Terms and Conditions of Purchase

Terms and Conditions

The summarized market data contained in our annual compensation survey operated and / or managed by Pearl Meyer is the copyrighted work product of HR Alliance DC (HRADC) based upon the contribution of member companies.  Distribution in any form by any means to other organizations is in violation of the terms of survey participation and purchase.

The data and other information reported in the survey may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system for use other than by the purchaser’s employees, distributed or disclosed in any form by any means to any non-purchasing organization; including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of HRADC.

The data and other information contained in the survey may be used only in connection with your organization’s internal human resources management and in documents prepared for your company’s management.
Our Exclusive Compensation Survey allows you to negotiate your salary from a stronger position by knowing what companies are paying.

HR Alliance

Timely, valuable programs packed with business and HR-relevant content.  Comprehensive data and policy and practice information in our annual compensation survey.  Networking opportunities with HR leaders and professionals from across the area.  We are HR Alliance – DC Metro’s premier HR association.